Under the banner of such things as Environmentalism, the worship of Gaia/Nature/whatever has grown more and more popular. It's a seductive belief system, given that most people want to take care of the Earth. I mean seriously, is ANYBODY really for dirty water and dirty air? So then the logical conclusion, especially those who've ditched "Western" religions or have found little comfort in the lack thereof, latch onto nature-based "spirituality".
Now, I don't want to come across as "intolerant" here. I do not care what beliefs people have and will respect them regardless. That said, I call things how I see it. That's just how I am.
Worship of Nature has got to be the most illogical, topsy-turvy, bassackwards theology I have ever seen. It has the dubious distinction of making created beings (i.e. Humans) more powerful than the Deity (i.e. The Earth). This makes absolutely no sense. And yet, this is what Gaia/Nature-worshipping Environmentalists believe.
In most other religions where there even is a Deity or Higher Power of Some Kind™, that Higher Power is, well, a Higher Power. Invariably it is more powerful than Humans, even in cases where they are not necessarily omnipotent. And, most other religions, if they even have a concept of salvation, have the Deity saving the People, or at the very least, assisting the Humans in working out their own salvation. Some religions have the humans working out their salvation on their own, but this doesn't mean the Higher Power is any less powerful.
One thing it does share with many religions is a mutated concept of sin and penance for sins. In fact, it's right along the line of the old unbiblical practice of selling Indulgences by the Church, right around the time Martin Luther was nailing 95 theses to the door. Driving an SUV? Here, buy some carbon credits. Johann Tetzel would be proud. Adherents to quasi-religious Environmentalism suffer from varying degrees of guilt over their lifestyle and the perception that this lifestyle is somehow harming "Mother Earth".
But come on, let's think about this for a minute. Let us be logical. What would the world look like, if an actual benevolent spirit inhabited Planet Earth, along with every rock and tree and animal? If the Earth actually was some form of Deity/Higher Power, there would be more cause to be superstitious than there is now. If we cut down a tree? It could magically grow back--if "Gaia" thought it necessary! And "Gaia" could magically sequester all our excess carbon, CFC's, methane, mercury waste, plutonium, depleted uranium, etc, without us having to lift a finger. Animals could actually mobilize against us en masse if the Planet thought we needed to be taught a lesson, in a scene that would make Alfred Hitchcock's "The Birds" seem like a tea party. Or it could even take control of us and force us to do "the right thing."
Seriously, anyone that thinks that a human, or a group of humans, could possibly do irreversible injury or destruction to a god are fooling themselves. See, this isn't logical and doesn't make sense...unless you factor in Humanity's undying quest to be the Supreme Being. Nature worship isn't actually nature worship! It is worship of Man, by elevating Man even beyond the status in power and ability than the presumed Deity they claim to worship! But Man still feels guilt, and so thus must make himself believe he's doing good, and after that, others. And Man is still superstitious. With the advent of the theory of Global Warming (redubbed "Climate Change" as a sort of CYA), Man can look at Hurricanes and droughts and floods and say, "The Earth Is Angry with us" or "The Planet is reacting to us like an infectious agent, trying to scour us from the landscape so it can heal itself". It's all ridiculous superstitious nonsense. If the Planet actually WAS angry with us? It wouldn't wait for a presumed correlation between Carbon Dioxide emissions and temperature increase.
And come to think of it, a lot of what goes on over the Earth is affected not by the Earth, but by the Sun. This is why Sun worship was prevalent back in the day. So then, the Earth is not the one that is the true "Deity" or the one that needs fearing/supplicating, if these guys are going to be consistent. It's that big bright ball of yellow in the sky. And one that neither needs nor wants help from anyone in order to continue to exist.
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