Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Chick-Fil-A and Hypocrisy

Two mayors from two different US cities, Chicago and Boston, have said they won't allow the Chick-Fil-A restaurants within their city limits because they are pro-traditional-marriage.  They take this to mean that Chick-Fil-A is horrifically biased and terrible and oppressing teh gayz.

Now leaving aside the fact that this is a First Amendment Issue, and Government Entities are forbidden from playing favorites on companies due to their political views, there is a great deal of hypocrisy not only from the public at large that takes a stand against Chick-Fil-A, but the mayor of Boston, Tom Menino, as well.

You see, in Boston, there is a Mosque.  Which is great, except that it is being built on publicly owned land (if this were a Christian Church being built on public land like that, nobody would stand for it--OMG SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE!), and the guy that runs it, Imam Qaradawi, thinks homosexuals should be put to death.  The only debate in his mind is how, exactly.  Burn them, or throw them off high buildings/cliffs?  Oh the agony of the decision making process!

So then, where are the protests in front of this mosque?  Why aren't lesbians and gay men kissing in front of it holding signs about stopping the hate, and suggestions about where the Imam can go stick his backwards beliefs?  Ground Control to Mayor Tom, what the heck, man?  Guy goes and calls Homosexuality a CRIME and yet his Mosque gets built, how did you even allow this?  After all, isn't sticking it to Imam Qaradawi a bit more urgent than sticking it to Chick-Fil-A?  All Chick-Fil-A does is make tasty fatty chicken.  Imam Qaradawi will make you not-eat during Ramadan, have you covered head to toe in a stuffy tent if you are a woman, and have you killed if you are gay--when he gets the power to do so.  This is less important than Chick-Fil-A HOW, exactly?

Priorities people, priorities.  Do we not have any?  Or are they just all muddled up?

Mayor Bloomberg may be an idiot about baby formula and soda, but at least he's not completely retarded:

Even Mayor Bloomberg the independent from New York City and a supporter of gay marriage blasted his fellow big city mayors and said that it was inappropriate for a government entity, “to look at somebody's political views and decide whether or not they can live in the city, or operate a business in the city, or work for somebody in the city."

No kidding?  You don't say!

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